Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The little boy with the missing front teeth and the grimacing smile is Tung. This photo was taken at someone's wedding--you could tell by the flowers decorating the front of the car. His mother told me that he was ever the monkey; true to his Chinese zodiac sign, he couldn't resist making faces at the camera. He dared such feats as jumping from rooftop to rooftop, once hanging on to a clothes line to keep from plummeting to a pulp three stories down. Not that I was ever the angel (I'm a monkey, too), but you'll note by comparing my earlier pictures that I was much cuter.

I'll be going to Viet Nam with Tung, his mother, grandmother, and aunt. His maternal side originally came from Quang Ngai, a village in Central Viet Nam. We'll be landing in Saigon in the south and making our way gradually north until we hit Quang Ngai. Only 3-and-a-half more weeks until we leave. We've booked our tickets since June. Now it seems like the trip is just around the corner. How fast time flies.

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