Tuesday, August 25, 2015

3rd Wedding Anniversary

To my husband, on our third wedding anniversary:

“If it is your intention to dance together through the years, with your joys and sorrows and all that life will bring, then bind yourselves to each other as husband and wife.”

Once upon a time, you took dance lessons with me before our wedding, learning the tricky steps of the Fox Trot to lead and whirl me around dance floor on the day we married. I know dancing is not exactly your thing, but this was one of the many things you went through to keep me happy and smiling. The supposedly long journey of the first three years of matrimony passed by imperceptibly as every moment you “filled my days with sunshine.”

This year, you have given me such a wonderful gift: My heart’s desire that’s been a long time coming, locked in its secret chambers from trial and despair until you coaxed my dream to life. I have gotten to know ineffable joy and unconditional love as together we await our first child to enter our lives. I can’t wait to share this new adventure with you—in the Subaru that I promised you could have when we are finally blessed with children—and I look forward to continually dancing through the years with you, my love.

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