Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I gained a total of 28 pounds in pregnancy, keeping up daily walks and going to the gym almost every weekday for light exercising up to the last few weeks. Here's the transformation across 9 months:

First Trimester

Second Trimester

Second Transitioning to Third

Third Trimester--Almost Time!

Labor Day! Induction on 1/6/16, 37 weeks + 3 days

What goes up must come down. Here's the progress after the birth. By March 1st, 7.5 weeks postpartum, I had dropped back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Exercise only includes daily walks with the stroller and the dog, and breastfeeding/pumping, which consumes 20 calories per ounce fed or pumped! Also hauling around the infant car seat + infant, which totally counts as weight lifting.

~1 Month Postpartum

~2 Months Postpartum

~3 Months Postpartum

As of 3/15, I was a pound below pre-pregnancy weight.

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