Friday, April 29, 2016

Letters to Luc: Giggles and Rolls (Month 3)

Dear Luc,

Your third month has been a delight as you transition out of your newborn haze and into a baby more aware of day and night, more awake than asleep, and as you show off to us your vibrant, developing personality. You smile more when prompted from us and have started to burst into the sweetest, laugh-eliciting giggles when we play with you. Your limbs are getting longer, and you hold your head up longer during tummy time. You're still my little guy, though, measuring at the 7th percentile for weight, and probably slipping down from there as you're a better sleeper than eater, sometimes refusing your bottles altogether.

Mommy takes you further now on walks, and we have several times visited the elementary school that you'll be attending when you're older. At first you didn't notice all the little toddlers playing on the playground, but as more things are coming into your vision and awareness, you like to people-watch all the action and take in their shrill child-play sounds.

You still scream on car rides, especially on the way back home from having gone somewhere as you can sense that all the excitement of "getting there" is over and all that's left is just "going home" and you're ready-but-not-ready to go down for a nap. Around now, I started to take you to Daddy's workplace. You met his coworkers, and Daddy would come out to take us to yummy places for lunch.

You are getting good at holding things that I place into your hands. You can now bring the objects to your face and into your mouth to explore colors and textures.

You can be a real ham in front of the camera, even though I'd have to catch you in an especially good mood or else you'd clam up and stare at Mommy's iPhone. Mommy teaches you the names of trees and flowers along our walks together now that spring has blossomed around us.

Daddy jokes that you look like Omi from Shaolin Showdown with your thinning hair and big, bald head. I say you're a bit too young for horse stance, but Daddy says why not start them young?

You've always been aware of Big Brother Odin's presence, sometimes even irritatingly pushing him away as he gets all up in your face to give you a good sniff, but now you actively look at him walk past you, and you can give him a belly rub with your feet. You seem to like the texture of his fur.

 And I am so proud of you for rolling over from tummy to back!

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