Sunday, August 18, 2019

Letters to Dannica: Welcome Home (Month 1)

Dannica Song Sen
Born on 07-18-19 at 6:54AM
7 pounds

Dear Dannica,

Your middle name, “Song” in English pays homage to your late sister Thi’s name meaning, “Poem.” In Vietnamese, it means “River,” to remind us of how life flows onward despite any obstacles in its path. Two n’s in Dannica since you are my double rainbow 🌈 🌈 , and the n’s look like rainbow arches. Your first name means “Morning Star,” a light of hope after a period of darkness.

Your milestone photo backdrop is very special to Mommy! It was given by a dear friend who knows the heartache of multiple pregnancy losses, and dream-come-true of a double-rainbow baby. She also used it as a milestone backdrop and now passed it on to you. Candii Bear next to you for scale is another gift that reminds us of how precious you are, our rainbow baby. Welcome home, my love.

For the most part, you are a chill baby as we settle in as a family of four, plus fur-brother Odin.


You like taking morning walks in the stroller, warm baths, and lying on Daddy’s chest.

 You sleep during car rides and hardly fuss at night. True to your piggy sign, you oink out a lot and also reflux a LOT. I joke that you take down 60mL and give me back 5-10. You make us laugh with your little grunting and cooing noises, and we look forward to you communicating more with us.

I marvel at your fatty rolls since Luc was such a small and skinny baby. Your skin erupts in what we Vietnamese call, "milk flowers," a blotchy-white telltale sign that the baby has taken to the mother's breast milk and is thriving off it.

You amaze me by how fast you are growing, one day still fitting in the crook of my arm, and the next with your long legs already jutting out past what I could hold in one arm.

You outgrow clothes faster, and already I am tucking away your tiny newborn onesies and sleepers. I love to caress your smooth skin and stroke your plentiful hair, hair that even your ultrasound tech complimented. It's so soft, like the downy fur on a baby chick, and hilariously sticks straight up after you are freshly bathed and dry.

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