Monday, September 30, 2019

Letters to Dannica: Social Smiles, Neck Lifts, and Rolls (Month 2)

Dear Dannica,

You are learning to distinguish daytime from nighttime and stay awake for longer stretches. You’ve been recognizing voices and faces and look toward us when we talk to or pay attention to you. You like to stare at the paintings and pictures on the walls.

We thought you were super serious without your big brother’s happy-go-lucky personality and sense of humor, but this month you’ve developed your social smile and often gift us with it.

You are still eating very well and gained the pounds to prove it, along with fat rolls that are quite the challenge to clean! At 2 months, you already fit in your brother's outfit when it was still a little baggy on him at 3 months.

 You like to coo “A-guh!” at us and are experimenting with your bodily controls by blowing spit bubbles, sticking out your tongue, and holding up your fist to look at.

Summer graces us with beautiful weather, so we enjoy the outdoors and you are quite the social butterfly, attending birthday parties.

We visit Spina Farms pumpkin patch, our annual tradition since Luc was born.


In October, Daddy was supposed to go to Washington, DC to attend a gala that honors his work at his company, but he did not want to leave you, so he stayed home. To show our appreciation of Daddy, we went to the grocery store and cooked a special meal of beef barbacoa tacos for him that Mommy had to work extra-hard for since you were fussy that day and had to be carried the entire time Mommy was cooking.

You are breezing through your developmental milestones and could hold an object in one hand and also pass it to the other.

You've also discovered your thumbs and like to suck on them. Sometimes when I put glovesies on you so that you would not scratch your face, you look at your hands with shock, not comprehending why you've suddenly lost all your fingers.

You did not like tummy time at first, but your neck is getting stronger and you could now lift it high.

You also surprised me this month by being able to roll over from tummy to back, a full month earlier than Luc! Keep being mighty, my little girl.

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