Monday, May 18, 2020

Letters to Dannica: Self-Feeding, Balance-Standing, Hair, and Hiiii! (Month 9)

You’ve officially entered their double-digits, my girl. Your appetite for solid food has quite picked up, and you’ve transitioned to chunkier textures. Your favorites are still orange-colored food such as sweet potatoes, Japanese and garnet yams, butternut squash, and carrots. 

Though you don’t have Luc’s precociousness with words, you are very observant, watching what we do, and how Luc plays. Then you’d quietly crawl up when he’s abandoned his post and try to mimic him, everything from pretend-cooking, working the busy-box activities, and playing the toy xylophone.

You are cutting two more top front teeth for a total of six. You’ve developed the pincer grip and could feed yourself finger foods. 

 You have mastered pulling up to stand and are working on letting go your hands to practice balancing. 

You wave bye-bye when prompted and make this silly face by pulling down your upper lip when you try to say, “Hiiii!” In true lockdown fashion, your hair has gotten quite long and unruly, and Mama has been experimenting with a few up-do’s.

Entering our third month sheltering-in-place, in May we observed Daddy’s birthday, Mother’s Day, and your sister Thi’s would’ve-been second birthday. 

The neighbors put on a live concert for us, and you had a fun evening grooving to the music. 

We also took a drive up the hills near where we live to observe the springtime scenery.

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