Sunday, July 5, 2020

Letters to Dannica: Daddy's Day, New 'Do's, and Assisted Steps (Month 11)



Dear Dannica,

This month, we celebrated Father's Day, and I was able to include you in the annual photo of dressing up my little ones in your daddy's dress shirts.

You continue to entertain us with your "hi" face, and most days, you come home from daycare with your hair in a different style, from pigtails to tiny buns.


Dannica's "Hi" Face

The tousled look

We spent the 4th of July relaxing as a family, and you discovered the thrill of reaching (and tasting) your toes.

My patriotic girl

You continue learning and thriving at daycare and love going there everyday to accompany your big brother. Before you came along, he would usually put on a show of crying and fighting to not go to school, but you would run right in, wave goodbye, and blow us kisses when prompted before joining your friends for the morning activity.

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