I guess waiting for summer to re-do our roof isn't going to cut it. The first major storm revealed a leak in the Master Bathroom. There is now gross, crumbly, dry-rotted plaster at the top window frame that we have yet to replace. But before we could do that, we had to first address the leak source: the roof.
Two layers of attempted quick-fixes for past leaks made the roof an absolute mess, and the house was bearing more weight than it should, not to mention a lot of the plywood and crossbeams were sustaining dry-rot and termite damage.
Here are some before shots of our sad, tan-bark colored roof:
Here's the work-in-progress while we nervously prayed for it not to rain:
And here are the end results, our 40-year-warranty Landmark composition roof in thunderstorm gray:
Complete with new metal flashings:
Eyebrow vents for heat ventilation during the hot months (there weren't any vents on our old roof!):
Meanwhile, on the inside, we continue our new-knobs fetish by changing out the old closet knobs and handles, flecked with paint:
New white knobs and brushed-chrome handles with white details:
We hung the mountain-scene oil painting that Tung chose in our living room. The neatly-centered mathematical precision is all Tung's. Ahh, what a warm and homey living room it's shaping up to be.
The kitchen is also starting to shape up. What Asian house is complete without a gargantuan box of Cup-o-Noodles or ramen for food emergencies?
Here is our newly-cleaned microwave oven:
And all my washed, dried, and organized silverware and cutlery. And chopsticks (another Asian-household staple). I am stocked, baby!
Argos came by for a visit today. Of course, he made himself right at home.