Sunday, June 7, 2015

TTC: CHART 14 (11/13/14-12/11/14)

November 19, 2014: I turn 34. My birthday wish for the last 2 years when I blow out my candles has been to welcome our first baby into our lives.

My monthly medicine gets simplified to prenatal pills and Vitamin D while I continue weekly acupuncture. I start to symptom-spot: did my temperature really go up to confirm ovulation? Do I need to pee more than normal? Are those unusual cramps in my lower belly?

I make more serious plans to move on to Clomid to help me ovulate, as having an action plan also helps me maintain my sanity. The treatment regime that my OB will have me on is to take Clomid Cycle Days 3-7, and get monitored via ultrasound (I'll also use OPKs) to see if it does the job. If Clomid alone doesn't work, I will move on to follistim injectables to help follicles mature, and an Ovidrel trigger shot to help them release. Bidding a farewell to Eastern treatments, I move onward to science.

Takeaways: CoQ10 is good for egg quality. There are two different forms of this: the bio-available form (Ubiquinol) that your body takes in right away and you don't need as much of, or the non-bioavailable form (Ubiquinone) which is more readily available and cheaper, but your body has to convert it to the bioavailable form before it can gain use from it. You also need more of it. is a site that converts your Basal Body Temperature to the correct temp if you happen to wake up earlier or later than your usual temping time.

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