Friday, May 1, 2015

Month of May Photo Challenge. Day 1: Portrait of a Family Member

I've always adored my husband's feet, with their plump roundedness and top arch like a camel's hump. I always joke that feet like his were destined for a comfortable life, while flat, angular, bunioned feet like mine were destined to a peasant's life of working in the fields. We are actually both tech professionals (make of that what you will in relation to my theory), but today, I reflect upon the connotations of bare feet. 

In horror movies, zooming in to bare feet magnifies the audience's awareness of vulnerability, the feeling of being unequipped, exposed, and unprepared to run. But often, I associate bare feet with practicing martial arts, most done without footwear so that you are aware of the sensations of the ground: textured mats, cool hardwood. It also evokes in me a sense of comfort and relaxation, of kicking off the confines of shoes, of being home.

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