Sunday, May 31, 2015

Month of May Photo Challenge. Day 31: Reflection

Reflection of trees and sky in the lake of Ed Levin Park. Due to the drought, the lake has now diminished to a little murky pond, and to get to the water's edge, we had to hike down a ways where bone-white seashells and plant life mark the bottom of the once-abundant lake.

I take this time to reflect upon the last month. Through this May photo challenge and my daily stories, those who have followed along got to see pieces of my past, my likes, my loves, the revelations of my heart. You followed me to Las Vegas and back home again. You were privy to my weekend haunts and daily activities.

I confess it wasn't always easy to write up a piece after long work days and when I was practically falling asleep over my phone as I typed, but I am really happy I took up this daily challenge as I got to revisit my love of creative writing. I learned new things about photography: how to use apps to edit, the importance of composition (and what that even means), and the willingness to keep my eyes open and look at every angle, every object, and every direction to capture the spirit of a photo. In pictures and words, I harnessed the unseeable and the hard-to-express--what the wind looks like, how to describe the complex emotion of love.

Thank you for following along! I hope you enjoyed this and learned from it as much as I did.

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